


Ivy Gertrude Mutsa Saunyama

Agricultural Officer, Food and Agriculture Organization

Supporting Governments through various field projects and programmes to implement FAO/WHO international code of conduct on pesticide management, related guidelines and tools such as the Registration Toolkit to reduce pesticide risks to human health and the environment. Also involved in FAO's normative work to develop instruments that seek to reduce agrochemical risk to environmental health. Specific focus is on strengthening life cycle management of pesticides, phasing out HHPs and promoting safer alternatives. Also involved in capacity building, especially for strengthening pesticide regulators capacities for pesticide risk reduction;  as well as extension and farmers capacity especially to promote adoption of agroecosystem based practices as alternatives to toxic agrochemicals. My works also includes policy level support for Governments to develop and implement enabling policies that promote healthier environments. My work also involves awareness raising through various communication products targeting a wide range of stakeholders for pesticide risk reduction and sound life cycle management of pesticides. I also work closely with academia and as part of FAO's in kind support, contribute to programme that seek to contribute to healthier environments (e.g., UCT Post Graduate Diploma on Pesticide Risk Management).

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