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Summary on Chemicals in Toys Policy in China


Summary on Chemicals in Toys Policy in China

China is one of the largest producers, exporters and consumers of toy products in the world. In order to ensure the quality and safety of toys, and to promote the development of toys industry, China implements a series of related laws, regulations and standards, with many authorities participate in the supervision and management of toys industry.

However, there are still gaps between China and the European Union in terms of the limits of chemicals in toys and the management of new chemicals may be containing in toys. Also, there is a need to improve the quality supervision to reduce use of chemicals based recall toys.

Sections 1 summarize the laws and regulations related to toys are more general, while the standards make more specific regulations on toys from different aspects. The major existing standards related to toys can be divided into two standards; (i) National standards, (ii) Sector standards. Among them, only mandatory national standards set to specific provisions of chemicals in toys. Section 2 reviewed the chemical limits in toys and toy parts.

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