

Lead paint law status interactive map

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This map shows data on the status of national lead paint laws as provided by governments to UN Environment and WHO, Secretariat of the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint. Information on an individual country’s lead paint law can be found by scrolling over each country. Where a country has set a lead limit, the limit is for total lead content. The year indicates the year a country passed its lead paint law.

Lead paint laws are legally binding control measures that can include statutes, regulations, and/or mandatory technical standards establishing a binding, enforceable limit on lead in paint with penalties for non-compliance. “Lead paint” is defined by the Alliance as a paint or a similar coating material to which one or more lead compounds have been added. Region is classified according to UNEP.

Map data available for download [.csv 26KB]

Data is based on the UNEP 2019 Update on the Global Status of Legal Limits on Lead in Paint, with some recent updates. Data on 2020 income level from World Bank.