

Regional meeting for the development of a regional standard on lead in paint in the ECOWAS region

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Lead is a cumulative toxicant that poses serious risks to human health and development, with children being especially vulnerable. Lead-containing paint remains one of the major sources of lead exposure for children globally and has been identified as one of the international Emerging Policy Issues of concern by the Strategic Approach for International Chemicals Management (SAICM). Since then, the international community- governments, industry and non-governmental organizations-have been working together to promote the establishment of lead paint laws in all countries.

To help with the dissemination of the Lead Paint Alliance tools and to make the advice of the Alliance partners more available to countries wishing to establish laws, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is supporting the lead paint component of a SAICM project on global best practices for emerging chemical policy issues of concern.

The ECOWAS Commission is one of the project executing partners. Furthermore, the ECOWAS Commission adopted in 2018 strategies an integrated action plan to manage chemicals and hazardous waste that are the drivers for action in the ECOWAS region. The standard and regulation on lead in paint will be developed and implemented in the fifteen member states of ECOWAS.

An information meeting is convened by the ECOWAS Commission to present issues around lead paint and how the project could assist ECOWAS achieve a regional standard and regulation according to the ECOSHAM chart in annex. With the assistance of technical experts, the Commission will present global and regional information on the lead paint issue and the need for establishing a regional technical standard and regulation in the ECOWAS region.

Event details

  • August 6, 2020

  • Virtual Information Meeting

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