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  • Factsheets and brochures
    Clariant playing a leading role in supporting the coatings industry to phase out lead in paints

    Clariant playing a leading role in supporting the coatings industry to phase out lead in paints

    As one of the first companies to completely end the production, and supply, of lead-based pigments in the mid-1980’s (Hoechst AG – now Clariant), Clariant supported the Global Alliance to eliminate lead paint and, through regulatory and legal measures, accelerate progress towards its global phase out. Read More
  • Manuals and toolkits
    Guidance on organizing an advocacy or awareness-raising campaign on lead paint

    Guidance on organizing an advocacy or awareness-raising campaign on lead paint

    The guidance provides direction and tools to support advocacy or awareness-raising activities to build momentum in countries toward the development, adoption and implementation of legally binding measures on lead paint. It contains key messages, strategies to identify your target audience and links to available materials. The document builds on the experience of the Lead Paint Alliance in its annual International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week campaign. Read More
  • Policy document
    Eliminating Lead Paint: The Role of the Paint Industry

    Eliminating Lead Paint: The Role of the Paint Industry

    The Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) is a global policy framework which aims to protect human health and the... Read More

  • Article
    Lead Paint Alliance Highlights Success Stories Ahead of Week of Action

    Lead Paint Alliance Highlights Success Stories Ahead of Week of Action

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  • Article
    WHO Makes Case for Laws to Eliminate Lead Paint

    WHO Makes Case for Laws to Eliminate Lead Paint

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  • Article
    Experts Discuss Success Factors in Regulating Lead in Paint

    Experts Discuss Success Factors in Regulating Lead in Paint

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  • Article
    Dates Announced for International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2020

    Dates Announced for International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week 2020

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  • Article
    Prevention Week Pushes Global Phase Out of Lead Paint

    Prevention Week Pushes Global Phase Out of Lead Paint

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  • Community of practice summary of discussions
    Setting low limits for lead in paint – legal side

    Setting low limits for lead in paint – legal side

    The Secretariat of the Strategic Approach to Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the University of Cape Town (UCT) are launching a new Community of Practice (CoP) on Lead in Paint to bring representatives from different sectors together and to create a learning network around issues related to the elimination of Lead Paint. This is a summary of the discussion on Setting low limits for lead in paint – legal side, which took place on 18 August 2020. Read More
  • Community of practice summary of discussions
    Steps toward adoption of national lead paint laws

    Steps toward adoption of national lead paint laws

    Angela BandemehrThe Secretariat of the Strategic Approach to Chemicals Management (SAICM) and the University of Cape Town (UCT) are launching a new Community of Practice (CoP) on Lead in Paint to bring representatives from different sectors together and to create a learning network around issues related to the elimination of Lead Paint. This is a summary of the discussion on Steps toward adoption of national lead paint laws, which took place on 9 July 2020. Read More
  • Article
    Community of Practice Discusses Adoption of Limits, Laws on Lead in Paint

    Community of Practice Discusses Adoption of Limits, Laws on Lead in Paint

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  • Manuals and toolkits
    Brief guide to analytical methods for measuring lead in blood (Second edition)

    Brief guide to analytical methods for measuring lead in blood (Second edition)

    Lead is a toxic metal whose widespread use has caused extensive environmental contamination and health problems in many parts of the world.... Read More
  • Article
    Global Observatory Tracks Lead Paint Legislation, Health-related SDG Targets

    Global Observatory Tracks Lead Paint Legislation, Health-related SDG Targets

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  • Policy document
    Global elimination of lead paint: why and how countries should take action - Policy brief

    Global elimination of lead paint: why and how countries should take action - Policy brief

    Lead has toxic effects on almost all body systems and is especially harmful for children and pregnant women. Lead paint is an avoidable source... Read More

  • Policy document
    Global elimination of lead paint: why and how countries should take action - Technical brief

    Global elimination of lead paint: why and how countries should take action - Technical brief

    This document has been developed for officials in government who have a role in regulating lead paint, to provide them with concise technical... Read More

  • Article
    Colombia Limits Lead Paint in Children’s Items

    Colombia Limits Lead Paint in Children’s Items

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  • Manuals and toolkits
    Suggested Considerations for Legal Drafting Process (Draft)

    Suggested Considerations for Legal Drafting Process (Draft)

    In response to questions received by the Global Lead Paint Alliance (GLPA) on roadmaps for developing regulations on lead content in paint, the... Read More

  • Report
    Report of the 2019 International Lead poisoning Prevention Week

    Report of the 2019 International Lead poisoning Prevention Week

    From 20 to 26 October 2019 the seventh International Lead Poisoning Prevention Week of action (ILPPW) took place in countries around the world.... Read More

  • Report
    The Toxic Truth

    The Toxic Truth

    A new report from UNICEF and Pure Earth reveals that lead poisoning is affecting children on a massive and previously unknown scale. Nearly half of these children live in South Asia. UNICEF and Pure Earth call for urgent action to abolish dangerous practices including the informal recycling of lead acid batteries, which is a leading source of childhood lead exposure. Read More
  • Article
    WHO and GEF Report on Methods for Measuring Lead in Paint

    WHO and GEF Report on Methods for Measuring Lead in Paint

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  • Factsheets and brochures
    Lead Paint Factsheet

    Lead Paint Factsheet

    This factsheet presents the work of UNEP and the Lead Paint Alliance. The document also highlights its impacts and the SAICM GEF project Lead in... Read More

  • Manuals and toolkits
    Brief guide to analytical methods for measuring lead in paint (Second edition)

    Brief guide to analytical methods for measuring lead in paint (Second edition)

    Lead is a toxic metal whose widespread use has caused extensive environmental contamination and health problems in many parts of the world.... Read More

  • Article
    Alliance Preparing Guidance for Laws on Lead in Paint

    Alliance Preparing Guidance for Laws on Lead in Paint

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  • Article
    WHO Reports on Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

    WHO Reports on Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

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  • Article
    SAICM/GEF Project Aims to Help Indonesia Develop National Standard to Regulate Lead Paint

    SAICM/GEF Project Aims to Help Indonesia Develop National Standard to Regulate Lead Paint

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