Subject Directory
Click on the areas of expertise below to find out about people working on those topics.
This is a full list of all of the areas of expertise that our experts cover.
</ br></ br>Click an area of expertise from the list below:
+ Capacity building
- Chemicals in products
Claudia Vergara, General Secretary, AcoplasticosMarcos Teixeira, Consultant, VIZYAlka Dubey, Programme Coordinator, Toxics LinkYuyun Ismawati, Senior Advisor, Nexus3 FoundationGretta Goldenman, Chemical consultant, Milieu ConsultingSara Brosche, Science Advisor at IPENPaul Kellett, U4E Programme Manager at UNEPHanna Andrea Rother, Professor and Head, Environmental Health Division, University of Cape Town - South AfricaOlga Speranskaya, Co-director, Senior advisor at HEJSupport/Eco-Accord/IPENAgustín Harte, Technical coordinator at the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development - ArgentinaLilian Corra, Environmental health expertLlorenc Mila I Canals, Head, Life Cycle Initiative Unit, Economy Division, UNEPBettina Heller, Programme Officer, Consumption and Production Unit at UNEPBrenda Koekkoek, Programme Management Officer at UNEP
+ Circularity
+ Consumer information
+ Eco-innovation
+ Environmental chemistry
+ Gender mainstreaming
+ Greenhouse gas emissions
+ Highly Hazardous Pesticides
+ Knowledge sharing and technology
+ Lead in paint
+ Lead-acid batteries
+ Lifecycle
+ Mercury
+ Nanotechnology
+ Partnerships
+ Pharmaceutical Pollutants
+ Plastics
+ Policy development
+ Science-policy
+ Sustainable development
+ Waste management