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Interact with country profiles

Interactive country profiles


To address the recognized deficiencies mentioned above, it’s essential to have a ‘chemicals ecosystem (SAICM ecosystem)’ in which relevant information can be shared transparently and easy to obtain. In this ‘chemicals ecosystem’, a holistic chemicals-information-sharing hub, serving as ‘database’ and ‘scanner’ on chemicals management, should be developed to provide connection on knowledge and information from a wide variety of sources and allow stakeholders to identify their gaps on the way towards the sound management of chemicals and waste. Last but not least, a constant data collecting system would ensure better geographical and chronological holistic and organic functionality of the hub and hence, target potential emerging chemicals issues.

SAICM progress report

The future progress report beyond 2020 should track progress on multiple levels with input from multiple stakeholders. A number of data sources and methods could be utilized to develop a progress report.

Results could be demonstrated through an overall report and through showcasing national and regional status and progress through online profiles, making information more useful and accessible to all. This would help to ensure a more comprehensive review of global progress.


The objectives of the country profiles are:

  1. To provide a baseline and overview of the sound management of chemicals and waste at the national level;
  2. To provide a space to share scientific information on EPIs
  3. To use the overview to create maps to track regional and global progress
  4. To identify gaps and help set priorities for the sound management of chemicals and waste at the regional and global level and;


Thanks to the geographical and chronological properties of the information in the country profiles, its audience can be divided into groups as follow:

Data providers

  1. National Governments
  2. IGOs
  3. NGOs
  4. Academia

Data users

  1. National Governments
  2. IGOs
  3. NGOs
  4. Academia
  5. Industries
  6. Public


Data that will be included in the country profiles:

  1. SAICM Objectives Progress
  2. National legislative and regulatory framework information
    1. GHS
    2. Basel convention
    3. Rotterdam convention
    4. Stockholm convention
    5. Minamata convention
    6. ILO:
      1. C170
      2. C174
  3. Poison Centers
  4. Increase risk reduction
    1. Lead
    2. Pesticide
  5. Science and Knowledge
    1. Nano
    2. Pharmaceuticals
  6. Conventions National Focal Points
    1. Basel convention
    2. Rotterdam convention
    3. Stockholm convention
    4. Minamata convention
    5. SAICM
  7. QSP
  8. Special programme

SAICM/IP.3/10 – Secretariat analysis of options for modalities to assess progress beyond 2020