Community of practice
Communities of Practice (CoPs) are voluntary networks consisting of individuals with expertise and interest in a thematic area that come together regularly to exchange and discuss their knowledge and experiences.
At the SAICM Communities of Practice, these discussions are related to the sound management of chemicals and waste and chemical issues of concern. They provide a point of entry to a repository of knowledge and best practices on key issues related to the sound management of chemicals and waste and a platform to facilitate linkages and information sharing amongst stakeholders and relevant networks, projects and programs.
The four SAICM Communities of Practice were established along with the University of Cape Town (UCT) on Emerging Chemical Policy Issues to provide a space for interactive discussions and exchanges of best practices on the sound management of chemicals and waste among SAICM stakeholders.
The aim of the Communities of Practice is to establish an effective global network of experts on Emerging Policy Issues with a space for regular knowledge exchanges and long-term engagement. Members of these communities of practice are representatives from academia, governments, industry, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, consumers, and citizens.
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Communities of Practice currently exist for the following four topic areas:
Highly Hazardous Pesticides Community of Practice
The goal of the HHPs CoP is to foster online discussions and multisectoral engagement that will identify key issues related to HHPs and identify emerging key issues to contribute to the deliberations of SAICM’s intersessional process (IP4) and the fifth International Conference on Chemicals Management (ICCM5).
- 15 July 2020: Mapping the global landscape of HHPs work
- 19 August 2020: Perspectives on addressing HHPs in the SAICM context
- 16 September 2020: Examples and case studies on strategies for identifying HHPs from different perspectives
- 21 October 2020: Overview of the HHP Global Action Plan and way forward
- 18 November 2020: Interpreting and applying criterion eight of the JMPM HHP Criteria
- 17 February 2021: National implementation of the FAO/WHO HHP Guidelines
- 17 March 2021: Data gaps and how these can be addressed
- 21 April 2021: Identifying alternatives for agricultural and public health purposes that are implementable in LMICs
Lead in Paint Community of Practice
The purpose of the LiP CoP is to support all practitioners working to eliminate lead paint such as the Global Alliance to Eliminate Lead Paint (Lead Paint Alliance). The community of practice will help share knowledge, latest research and developments, learn what representatives from different sectors are doing to phase out lead in paint and provide access to expertise on various topics related to lead in paint.
- 9 July 2020: Steps toward adoption of national lead paint laws
- 18 August 2020: Setting low limits for lead in paint – legal side
- 23 September 2020: Awareness raising materials for lead in paint elimination
- 10 November 2020: Setting low limits for lead in paint – enforcement and compliance
Learn more about Lead in Paint
Chemicals in Products Community of Practice
The purpose of the community of practice is to bring representatives from different sectors together and to create a learning network around issues related to Chemicals in Products (CiP). Participants will exchange on topics that might include information in the supply chain on chemical presence and composition, circular economy, life cycle analysis, innovation.
- 17 September 2020: Mapping session of Chemicals in Products Globally
- 15 October 2020: TBC
- 19 November 2020: TBC
Learn more about Chemicals in Products
Chemicals and SDGs Community of Practice
The goal of this community of practice is to facilitate discussions with various stakeholders from different sectors on documents and other knowledge materials being developed around the linkages between chemical management and the achievement of the sustainable development goals (SGDs), including Gender. A key goal is how to bring in and engage with the youth in relation to chemicals and the sustainable development goals.
- 26 August 2020: Gender and sound management of chemicals and waste: Gender and the SAICM Emerging Policy Issues
- 30 September 2020: How to implement chemicals and gender mainstreaming into national legislation?
- 28 October 2020: Accelerating the implementation of SDG 12.4
- 25 November 2020: How to bring chemicals management into the biodiversity discussions?
Learn more about Sustainable Development Goals
Structure and Participation
The communities of practice will be organized under the following structure:
1. Online discussion on a live chat session around three questions which are submitted in advance to the registered participants
2. One moderator and one facilitator that will be present and active during the online live chat session to help guide and fuel the discussion. A transcript of the discussion and a summary digest are distributed amongst the participants shortly after the discussion
As for participation, membership is open to all interested parties. Members roles include:
- Active participation in the online discussions
- Sharing experiences and knowledge on the topics being discussed
- Engage with others in a collegial manner that is respectful especially of divergent opinions
Why participate?
As a member of a CoP, you can:
- Participate in online discussions with representatives from all relevant sectors, and if you wish, have the possibility to lead on a relevant discussion
- Have first-hand access to up-to-date information produced by SAICM and other stakeholders on the SAICM emerging policy issues and other issues of concern.
- Actively contribute to peer-to-peer learning exchanges on best practices, case studies and experiences on chemicals management
- Contribute to the development of new initiatives towards SAICM objectives and the SDGs
- Receive summaries of discussions held
Join at:
Select I want to participate in a community of practice option (if you want to be included in the SAICM database of people working for a healthier environment, you may click on the second option and complete the form).
Then choose the CoP you would like to join as the option when asked which community of practice you want to join.
If you have any question or require any clarification on this initiative, please contact the SAICM Secretariat at