
Towards safer products for our environment and health

  • Feature Commentary
    SAICM is leading a 4-year project in over 40 countries for eliminating lead in paint and chemicals of concern from toys, electronics and building products

    SAICM is leading a 4-year project in over 40 countries for eliminating lead in paint and chemicals of concern from toys, electronics and building products


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Welcome to the Knowledge Platform of the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management

The safe management of chemicals and waste is a pressing concern in today's industrialized world. With the growth in manufacturing, the use and disposal of chemicals have exponentially increased, leading to potential threats to the environment and human health. While numerous resourses underscore the importance of awareness and education on this topic, there is still much that individuals, industries, and governments can do to ensure the well-being of all living organisms. For instance, platforms like emphasize the significance of research and learning about these issues, offering extensive information to students and professionals alike.

Beyond the immediate risks associated with chemical exposure, long-term ramifications such as bioaccumulation in organisms, disruption of aquatic ecosystems, and degradation of soil quality further accentuate the need for stringent chemical and waste management protocols. Proper storage, labeling, and disposal methods are just the beginning. It is equally vital to invest in research that leads to the development of less hazardous chemicals and sustainable waste management techniques. As many essay service reviews highlight, there's a dire need to address these concerns at both macro and micro levels, combining policy-driven approaches with grassroots initiatives. Leveraging educational platforms, can provide a strong foundation for the upcoming generation to make informed decisions and take actionable steps in the right direction.

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Here you can learn about emerging policy issues through resources, reading news articles, finding out about events around the globe, and networking with other people working on the safe management of chemicals and waste.

This site was created within the framework of the SAICM project Chemicals Without Concern – Towards safer products for our environment and health, funded by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF).

We are interested in hearing about your user experience in this beta version of the site. Click here to provide your feedback.

Join the first online discussion on Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs): Mapping the global landscape of HHPs risk reduction work
15 July 2020

Join the first online discussion on Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs): Mapping the global landscape of HHPs risk reduction work

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Share and gain knowledge on chemicals of concern directly from people working on the same subjects as you
Communities of practice

Share and gain knowledge on chemicals of concern directly from people working on the same subjects as you

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Check a series of online learning materials on the the safe management of chemicals

Check a series of online learning materials on the the safe management of chemicals

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